ok, now we talk about anime, yah , "blassreiter" , anime bikinan gonzo , hehehe
dlm anime ini mengandung unsur2 kekerasan , blood and sex. yang dibalut apik dalam sebuah drama berdurasi 30menit pada setiap episodenya, anime ini diperuntukan bagi remaja laki-laki dewasa (adek lw yang masi kecil jangan diajak nonton brg yew hehe), gonzo akan memanjakan kita dengan chara design yang kuUUEERREENNN dan seabrek CG+3D, so.... just check this out for seein this movie trailer
blassreiter navigation click on here please
oiya anime ini punya soundtrack yang bagus jg bro
silahkan cari ke rental2 anime terdekat di tempat lw pasti ada ok =)
Label: anime talk

01. Pre-Game
02. The Art of Partying
03. Headbanger Face Rip
04. Mental Shock
05. A.D.D.(Attention Deficit Destroyer)
06. The Inebriator
07. Lunch Hall Food Brawl
08. Beer Pressure
09. Chemically Altered
10. Sadistic Magician
11. Open Your Mind
12. Radioactive Force
13. Septic Detonation
14. Rigorous Vengeance
15. Born To Party
16. Thrashing is my Business... And Busines is Good (Bonus Track)
17. I Just Wanna Rock (Bonus Track)
download here
Label: metal spell mp3

1. "The Brave (Intro)"
2. "Scotland United"
3. "The Dark Of The Sun"
4. "William Wallace (Braveheart)"
5. "The Bruce (The Lion King)"
6. "The Battle Of Flodden"
7. "The Ballad Of Mary (Queen Of Scots)"
8. "The Truth"
9. "Cry For Freedom (James The VI)"
10. "Killing Time"
11. "Rebellion (The Clans Are Marching)"
12. "Culloden Muir"
13. "The Fall Of The Brave (Outro)"
14. "Heavy Metal Breakdown" (Bonus Track)
15. "Witchhunter" (Bonus Track)
16. "Headbanging Man" (Bonus Track)
password : www.chilewarez.org
Label: metal spell mp3

1. Dragons Revenge 05:32
2. Ancient Times 04:46
3. A Wintertale 05:33
4. Remember the Fire 05:35
5. Legends from Now and Nevermore 04:33
6. The Conjuring 04:47
7. Eye to Eye 04:19
8. Crusade of the Damned 05:35
9. The Quest 04:25
10. The Last Stand 05:26
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Label: metal spell mp3

2.Existential Abatment
3.Survival Antithesis
4.Passivity Causes Genocide
5.Weakness of Masses
6.Uprooted System
7.Altering Perceptive Cognitions
9.Ignored Phenomena
10.Point of Collapse Between Two Dimensions
11.Newborn Sensory Entities
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Label: metal spell mp3

02 - What Must Be Done
03 - Gift Of The Fallen
download here
password : saurontemple
Label: metal spell mp3

1. "Beneath the Remains" - 5:11
2. "Inner Self" - 5:07
3. "Stronger Than Hate" - 5:50
4. "Mass Hypnosis" - 4:22
5. "Sarcastic Existence" - 4:43
6. "Slaves of Pain" - 4:00
7. "Lobotomy" - 4:55
8. "Hungry" - 4:28
9. "Primitive Future" - 3:08
10. "A Hora E A Vez Do Cabelo Nascer" (Bonus Track) - 2:23
11. "Inner Self (Drum tracks)" (Bonus Track) - 5:11
12. "Mass Hypnosis (Drum tracks)" (Bonus Track) - 4:22
Label: metal spell mp3

1. Intro
2. Deadly mouth
3. False prayer
4. Washing the red
5. Play eith dead
6. Global warming
7. Hell of world
8. No suicide
9. Black storm
10. Polemik
11. Flood
12. Conspiracy
13. Religion against religion
14. 13 years in Viernam
15. Genocide still alive
16. Born the chaos
17. Elit
18. Bleh
19. Bluta
20. My suffering
21. Outro
22. Polemik (bonus track)
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Label: metal spell mp3
Label: metal spell mp3
2. Dimensi Keterasingan
3. Sermon Of Deception
4. Dominasi Belati
5. Hiperbola Dogma Monotheist
6. Manufaktur Replika Baptis
7. Horror Vision
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Label: metal spell mp3
2. Only Friction
3. Bon Apetit
4. Legions Of Consumption 5. Pathetic
6. Bang Bang
7. Worthless
8. Open The Gates
9. Paula
10. Big Flat Cages
11. Run Whitey Run
12. Ministries Of Arms 13. Contradiction
14. Desk Armada
15. Liberal Cancer
16. Ring Tone Rip Off 17. Porcelain A
18. Hype And Go
19. Bad Ass Farmer
20. Electrifarce
21. Axe The Tax
22. Voor War Het Baat
23. Religious Fucking Dope 24. Hear More
25. VMO
26. Bank(Rupt) Cards
27. Todays Solution
28. Infoverdose
29. Knights Of The Cash 30. Too Fast
31. Tension
32. Horns Up - Fuck Off
33. Not A Bit
34. Monitored And Controlled
35. Abolition
36. Chronic Death
37. Necessity
38. Solution Or Prob
39. Arbeit Macht Krank
40. Arrows Of Death
Label: metal spell mp3
01. Tetris (Themes B And C) - Tetris
02. Mute City - F-Zero
03. Birth Of A God - Final Fantasy VII
04. The Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy VI
05. Power Rangers
06. Storm Eagle - Mega Man X
Label: metal spell mp3
Label: metal spell mp3
Label: metal spell mp3
Label: metal spell mp3
Label: metal spell mp3
Label: metal spell mp3
wew.. are u scared? mutlaklah kencing ngompol sambil terbirit-birit saat lw maen game ini malem2 dgn cara mematikan lampu kamar lw, ok emang sih game yang baru adalah silent hill yang homecoming, tp g afdol kl blm kena prekuel2nya dahulu. yah saia jg pernah kabur ke kamar kos temen sebelah kos pas maenin ni game malem2 dengan lampu mati. gore? yes violence? full
paranoid? tergantung ma lw yang maen. hahaha oiya kl g punya ps2 or xbox game ini bisa dimaenin di pc kok. spec yang dibutuhin ok try it guys kl lw sempet
The game begins with the player taking control of protagonist Henry Townshend, who has been locked in his apartment in South Ashfield, room 302, for five days with no means of communication and having recurring nightmares. Shortly afterwards a large hole inexplicably forms in the wall of his bathroom, and he enters. From there he enters a network of holes leading him through a series of Silent Hill-style worlds.
Henry's first destination is an abandoned subway station where he meets a woman named Cynthia Velázquez who is convinced she is in a dream, but is soon killed by an unknown man. On his radio he hears confirmation that she is indeed dead in the real world. The exact same thing happens to the next three people Henry finds: Jasper Gein, Andrew DeSalvo and Richard Braintree, a resident in Henry's apartment complex. The cases seem similar to the deceased serial killer Walter Sullivan's M.O. and Henry finds scraps of the diary of his apartment's former occupant, journalist Joseph Schreiber, who was investigating his spree. Henry learns that Walter was in fact an orphan who had been led to believe that his biological mother was Henry's apartment, where he had been found.
It is revealed that Sullivan is in fact attempting to carry out a ritual which calls for 21 murders, the 21 Sacraments, to try and "purify" his "mother," and is in an undead state through which he can kill his victims immortally. Henry is his intended 21st victim. Midway through the game a child manifestation of Walter's "innocent" self interrupts the murder of the intended 20th victim, Eileen Galvin, and she joins Henry trying to find Schreiber. At the same time hauntings begin to inhabit Henry's apartment and its condition disintegrates. The two eventually find the ghost of Schreiber, who tells them that their only escape is to kill Sullivan.
Shortly after Henry acquires Walter's umbilical cord, a tool required to kill him for good, Eileen leaves Henry under Walter's influence. He finds her about to walk into a deathtrap with Walter, and the final boss fight ensues. After Walter is killed, there are four possible endings, determined by whether or not Eileen survived the final boss fight and on the condition of Henry's apartment. There is no UFO "joke ending," a feature included in all the other installments in the series as of the release of Silent Hill: Homecoming.
Label: Game review
wew, para penggemar astray silahkan ngiler , maw beli gundam dgn skala 1/60? hmmm 1st releasenya dapet "clear optional part", ok now we talk about price, harganya 18000 yen , or kalo dirupiahin sekitar kisaran 2juta rupiah , mahal? gundam itu mang prestige kok, so hati2 ma kocek kl maenan nih barang hehe
Label: metal spell mp3